Sunday, 15 March 2015

March meeting

Well what a march meeting! It was bags a go go thanks to the lovely Tatyana. We had all admired the bag she made for the secret santa and she promised to give us a demo of how to make it.
This is the tutorial Tatyana found for the bag, but nothing beats someone demoing how to do it in person.
Here is the gorgeous sample Tatyana made for the class.

She chose a gorgeous citrus green and purple/lilac text combination to make in class.

Ahhhh top tip on getting things just right and squared up.

I was sitting next to Katy who had a really sweet Japanese combination of fabrics

Janice too went down the oriental route, Great colour choices!

Everyone was so intent on getting their bags done I had to elbow in to get pictures, sorry ladies!

I did manage to get an in progress picture of the fabrics Jo was using, guess who was at quilt con? :-)

I just love seeing all the different colour combinations, christmas fabrics, these bags would make a  fabulous alternative to wrapping.

Lots of pinning required but we proved you can make these bags in just over an hour.

More tops tips from Tatyana on how to box off the bottom.

I am fairly certain this is the lovely Lucy's bag, very soft and sweet.

Jo was one of the first to finish her bag!

Janice was next up I think, love the pink peeping through.

Whoof! speed sewing ladies! How fabulous are all of these! well done.

We then suddenly remembered that we hadnt done show and tell .... because speed making bags isn't enough!
Jo had brought back our charity quilt from quilt con. A true team effort, and great fun in the making.

It was Marinas last night, we will miss you Marina but thanks for bringing in your finished bee top, beautiful almost watercolour effect. Stunning.

We were in such a rush I cant remember whose quilt this was, I think it was Barbara but I will change it that is wrong, how sweet is this!

Fabulous scrappy trip around the world from Anne.

I think this one is from Margaret, a stunning modern medallion.

We packed a fair amount in! Great March meeting.

2024! Our 10th Year!

In celebration of our 10th anniversary the guild are hosting a public exhibition of our work. Be prepared for beautiful quilts, delightful c...